Sunday, September 30, 2012

Bogus Bologna

This past Friday, I went on a field trip with my Women and the Arts of Italy class to Bologna. It was very...interesting.  Helen (our teacher) had our 12 hour schedule packed with non-stop trips to museums and churches.  The only problem was that due to some sort of protest, basically all the museums in Bologna were closed (insert dramatic emoticon face here).  If you are reading this and happen to know Helen, you know that she was maaaaaadddddd, and if you happen to be reading this and don't know Helen, let me tell you that she was MMMAAAADDD.   

Fortunately, we ended up getting into 2 very interesting museums. One had a mixture of things which included a carriage, little figurines, paintings with dogs, a little doll house and much more. The other had wax figures of various birth defects?  As for the rest of the 10 hours we had, we saw churches, churches, and more churches!! Anywho, something interesting that I thought you would all like to know is that we saw the actual body of St. Catherine of Bologna.  She died in the early 1400’s and has been sitting in that same exact position ever since.  Crazy!

Oh and adding on to the series of unfortunate events, our train had the nerve to be delayed by an hour.  SO BOGUS BOLOGNA! 

Tis all. 


Neptune Fountain

She squirts water out of her breast

St. Catherine of Bologna

Add caption

Thursday, September 27, 2012

I broke another thing...

CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?! I still hold true to my blog's name.  Ridiculous, I say!

This calls for some picture uploads.

All randoms. Enjoy.

Monday, September 24, 2012


Also known as cheers, Prost is a word that I have become very familiar with this weekend at Oktoberfest.  Oktoberfest is the Disneyland of all Disneylands for adults, or in Germany, for kids over the age of 16. It is safe for me to say that Munich is now my new favorite city and one day I will live there for some time during my life.  This trip included a visit to the Dachau concentration camp, which is one of the first and largest to be established in Germany by the Nazi party. After that, we lightened the trip up a bit with a 4 hour bike ride through Munich, with our last stop in the second largest biergarten (beer garden) in Munich at the Chinese Tower.  I am really not a huge beer person, but let me try to describe to you in 3 words how delicious German Beer is: smooth, cold, and delightfully f***ing awesome.  After our long and eventful day, it was time for us to rest up for an even BIGGER day aka the first day of Oktoberfest.  We were forewarned that in order to at least get into a tent, we had to wake up no later than 7:00am.  With that said, my fellow mates and I woke up promptly at 6:30am on 09/21/12 and ventured out into the freezing pouring rain to wait in line for about four hours.  Even though we waited for what seemed to be forever, the end result was totally worth it.  At exactly 12:00pm ,waitresses strong enough to carry about 10-15 liters of beer flooded the hall as the bells of joy and happiness rang, giving us permission to drink infinitive amounts of beer.  It's moments like these that make me really appreciate the fact that I am able to study abroad.  It really is a beautiful thing when you are able to be in a place where people from all around the world come together to enjoy each other's company- it's overwhelming in so many positive ways. So thank you Oktoberfest, for giving me new friends and memories that will last a lifetime.

P.S. I unfortunately did not bring my baby (SLR camera) to Germany, in fear that it would be drowned in beer and god knows what.  So these are all pics taken from my iPhone.  Prost!


                                                                  Munich Bike Tour 

Chinese Tower



Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Can you find the theme?

Let's play a game.  I am going to post a series of pictures and all you need to do is try to figure out the theme I am trying to portray.  This one should be easy.